

[...] The conductor, Bruno Cinquegrani ,has gift for rhythmic phrases, strong propulsion and sensitivity to singers [...]



[...] Our audience knows the music of Tchaikowsky fifth Symphony quite well.
Bruno Cinquegrani in his interpretration chose his own way. He neither tried to impress us with extravagant novelty nor followed the traditions of performing of this masterpiece. As a result the Symphony sounded emotionally fresh. The Crimean music-lovers highly appreciated the conductor’s mastery [...]



[...] Cinquegrani had a definite performance. It is called elegance and musicality .The general sound was chic and charmant, and he let his flair stream out happily, without any concern [...]



[...] At their very best the Orchestra and the Chorus of the Donizetti Festival.The production,…conductor Bruno Cinquegrani, is in partenrship with the Tokio Konzerthaus [...]

PRIMAPRESS, E. Sorrentino

IL CAMPANELLO – Teatro di San Carlo

CORRIERE DELLA SERA , December 19, 2012

[...] The Conductor is a young Neapolitan , Bruno Cinquegrani , who studied in Naples and Germany. His gesture is clear and the musical outcome is elegant [...]

Paolo Isotta – [Read full article]

IL MATTINO, December 15 , 2012

[...]The Conductor Bruno Cinquegrani pays equal attention to the musical subtleties and the overall theatrical meaning of the score [...]

Stefano Valanzuolo

IL CAFFE’, December 21 , 2012

[...] The Orchestra played very well….under the firm baton of Bruno Cinquegrani [...]

Corneliu Dima


THE SEATTLE TIMES, October 18, 2010

Seattle Opera triumphs with ghostly “Lucia di Lammermoor”.

[...] Conductor Bruno Cinquegrani paced the score authoritatively, and excellent orchestral playing was highlighted by impressive solos [...]

Bernard Jacobson – [Read full article]

OREGON MUSIC NEWS, October 24, 2010

Seattle Opera’s Lucia di Lammermoor to die for.

[...]The orchestra, conducted by Bruno Cinquegrani, played at the top of their game with terrific intonation, crescendos, decrescendos, and tempos [...]

James Bash – [Read full article]

OPERA CASCADIA, October 17 , 2010

[...] The conductor, making his Seattle Opera debut, was Bruno Cinquegrani from Naples, Italy. The singers and orchestra seemed to be well synchronized and in good balance. If one of the reasons we could hear Miss Kurzak’s softest singing was because he kept the orchestra down, well then, bravo to him [...]

Dale Abersold – [Read full article]

QUENN ANNE NEWS, October 27, 2010

[...] The orchestra was spot on with their impressive playing under Cinquegrani’s baton, as was the Seattle Opera chorus [...]

Maggie Larrick – [Read full article]

THE CLASSICAL REVIEW, October 24, 2010

[...] Conductor Bruno Cinquegrani proved a flexible, pliant accompanist to the singers, letting them breathe and embellish and spend some time on the high notes [...]

Melinda Bargreen – [Read full article]

THE CORNICHORN, October 17, 2010

[...] In the pit, the Neapolitan conductor Bruno Cinquegrani leads the orchestra with assurance and verve [...]

Ronald Holden – [Read full article]

THE GATHERING NOTE, October 18, 2010

[...] The conductor, Bruno Cinquegrani , has gift for rhythmic phrases, strong propulsion and sensitivity to singers [...]

R.M. Campbell – [Read full article]


[...] Bruno Cinquegrani paced the opera authoritatively, and managed to persuade his singers to refrain from the persistent shouting that disfigures even the most celebrated “classic” recordings of Lucia [...]

Bernard Jacobson – [Read full article]

TRAVIATA – Bergamo Musica Festival

– Japanese Tour

PRIMAPRESS, October 03, 2009

[...] Sugli allori l’orchestra e il coro del Festival Donizetti. L’allestimento, per la regia di Paolo Panizza e la direzione di Bruno Cinquegrani, è realizzato in partnership con Konzerthaus di Tokyo. Una collaborazione che anticipa la tournee del Teatro Donizetti nel Paese del Sol Levante, in programma dal 30 dicembre 2009 al 25 gennaio 2010 [...]

Eugenio Sorrentino

CULTURA ITALIA, October 05, 2009

Traviata esempio di fedeltà.

[...] Maestro concertatore e direttore d’orchestra era Bruno Cinquegrani; regista Paolo Panizza, scenografo Italo Grassi e costumista Carmela Lacerenza. Per tutti costoro un plauso speciale. Impeccabile l’esecuzione orchestrale, bellissimi i costumi (specie quelli indossati dalla protagonista), funzionali, oltre che belle, le scene [...]

Danilo Ruocco



[...] The orchestra and chorus of the Bergamo Music Festival offer fine support. Conductor Cinquegrani demonstrates his command not only with solid tempos and clear direction, but also with the timing between numbers. His pacing contributes to the overall effect [...]

James Zychowicz – [Read full article]

OPERA TODAY , August 20 , 2011

[...]The Orchestra performance of this score, as conducted by Bruno Cinquegrani, certainly reflects confort with and dedication to the composer ‘s limited but evocative tonal world [...]

Chris Mullins – [Read full article]


[...] The conducting of Bruno Cinquegrani is well paced and the chorus vibrant and involved [...]

Robert J. Farr – [Read full article]


[...] The work receives a dramatic direction from Bruno Cinquegrani, and nowhere does the tension sag [...]

MARINO FALIERO – Teatro Verdi di Sassari

– Bergamo Musica Festival

REPUBBLICA, November 3, 2008

[...] The opera has an unusually compact dramatic pace and an innovative organization : pressing during the recitatives and episodes concerning the action , with extraordinary theatrical intuition . The conducting of Bruno Cinquegrani has given back to the score the right tension, colour and strong narrative energy, articulating by means of shrewd choices of dynamics and tempi [...]

Angelo Foletto – [Read full article]

L’OPERA, November 2008

[...]Last but not least the conductor Bruno Cinquegrani, already appreciated in Sassari last year for conducting the opening opera , Lucrezia Borgia .
A young, enthusiastic and accomplished professional , he fully belongs to that nowadays small group of Maestri capable of conducting an opera “ in the Italian way “ , always complying with the requirements of the singing line , but without giving up his remarkable interpretation . He is always in perfect relationship with the stage , without slowing down the narrative pace and therefore giving to the singers the right space [...]

Andrea Merli

MUSICA, November 2008

[...] The contribution of the conductor , the Neapolitan Bruno Cinquegrani , has been decisive : under his baton even the orchestra of the “ Ente Marialisa De Carolis “ became a sharp dramatic instrument , able to secure a firm rhythmical basis for the singers on stage [...]

Stephen Hastings

GLI AMICI DELLA MUSICA, November 3, 2008

[...] The young conductor Bruno Cinquegrani was the Music Director of the evening. He put special emphasis on the dark colours of the story , well complied by the Orchestra and the Chorus of the Bergamo Musica Festival Gaetano Donizetti [...]

Francesco Bertini

TELERADIONEWS, November 2, 2008

[...] The performance of Marino Faliero by several times bythe large and enthusiastic audience [...]

BELLININEWS, October 5, 2008

[...] Sotto l’accurata e sensibile guida di Bruno Cinquegrani , l’Orchestra dell’Ente Concerti “ Marialisa De Carolis “ ha offerto un’esecuzione vigorosa e duttile della partitura , mettendo in risalto il gioco vario e raffinato di una strumentazione tesa a rendere il cangiante respiro dei vari momenti del dramma [...]

Fulvio Stefano Lo Presti

L’ELISIR D’AMORE – Opera Holland Park

OPERA MAGAZINE, September 2005.

[...] Bruno Cinquegrani gave Donizetti’s deceptively easy music the bounce and bite that makes this opera such a pleasure – his Act 1 finale was especially well paced [...]

Peter Reed

FALSTAFF – The Dome, Brighton

OPERA MAGAZINE, December 2004.

[...] The Conductor drew a remarkably tight, rounded sound from his ensemble and provided a sensitive and nimble accompaniment [...]

LUCREZIA BORGIA – Teatro Verdi di Sassari


[...] One of the most interesting surprises of the evening was the young Neapolitan Conductor Bruno Cinquegrani, making his debut in Italy. He has collaborated with the greatest Maestri on the international scene , and it is always a great pleasure seeing such a young emerging talent [...]

La Barcaccia

L’OPERA, November / December 2007

[...]The Orchestra of the “Ente Concerti Marialisa de Carolis “ gave a very good performance under the baton of the young Neapolitan Maestro Bruno Cinquegrani , who was making his debut in Italy and can already boast a considerable career abroad, both in the operatic and symphonic field. He was very capable of holding the reins of the stage , harmonizing with ability the huge scenes among the different soloists, which characterize the Donizetti’s operas. Finally he was very dynamic in giving the score the ideal narrative rhythm, without gaps, and very careful in accompanying the singing avoiding haste and without covering it with too loud dynamics [...]

Andrea Merli

MUSICA, November 2007

[...] The conducting of the Neapolitan Bruno Cinquegrani – a pupil of David Zinman – was noteworthy : he created the right atmosphere from the very initial prelude and he accompanied the singers with intelligence and participation, obtaining a remarkable performance from the orchestra [...]

Stephen Hastings

L’UNIONE SARDA, October 2007

[...] The great surprise of the evening was the conductor Bruno Cinquegrani, new to the Italian audience, who gave an exceptional performance together with the orchestra [...]

Giampiero Marras